You're home for Epic Lawn Party Flair & Coro Signs
by VCP, Inc.

Creating compelling graphics to tell your story!
We LOVE designing logos! Your logo defines your brand and makes it sticky. Do you want a piece of stock photography associated with your brand? No, you want a logo that will give you’re your business an identity and foster a memory to your brand, hence the stickiness. You’ve worked so hard to get your business up and running and poured your blood sweat and tears into it. Your brand deserves a custom tailored logo that fits perfectly and conveys the right message. We do that! We design Logos!
Creating compelling copy for your marketing pieces is critical to the success of your campaign. Our team can take credit for writing captivating copy for brochures, billboards, websites, emails, catalogs, banners, postcards and more. When you have so much to say, but aren’t sure how to say it or are unable to keep to the point, that’s where we come in. Creating interesting copy to sell your brand!
Photo Retouching
VCP offers color correction, photo clean-up and retouching, clipping objects out of images, and complete rebuilding of your pictures. We can edit products for catalogs, fix your storefront photo, take off unwanted weight, remove photo bombers and items that you'd rather not have in the scene, or put things into the scene when they're missing.